50$ | Softreg | Country USA | PRO MODE Enabled | Farmed from 5 days | 2FA + Mail + Avatar + Token + Cookies + UA
PVA Softreg facebook account, country USA. confirmed by mail.
Mail is included, avatar is filled in; token, user agent, cookies are extracted. All actions on the account were carried out from the ip USA
Farmed accounts from 5 days. Created a new type of Fan Page. Names in Latin. Gender - Female
Geo RK - USA, currency USD
These accounts are also suitable for work with mass launch tools
Included two-factor authentication. In the set there are 2FA codes. There is a key to get new codes through http://2fa.live/.
Check accounts before the first login. The working status of accounts is checked by its id (https://www.facebook.com/ID) Example https://www.facebook.com/10004275343115 or use this checker https://checkaccs.nppr.team/No replacement will be made after logging into the account. Check accounts before logging in using the method specified in the recommendations
Format: Full name, login:password, email:mail password, date of birth, account id, user agent, Token EAAB, cookies, 2FA