250$ | Verified BM 1 Facebook | Spend 250$ immediately | 1 Ad account created | Able to create 4 ad cabinets
BM1 250$ Business Manager
Verified Business Manager [Verified w/ ID] (Verified gives extra credibility and trusts)
After running ads and making your first payment, you can create 4 more ad cabs
Cabinets will be with a limit of $250
Spend $250 from the first day
Currency/Timezone is changeable
BM can share pixel
You are required to log into the BM immediately after purchase and check the limit.
You are required to remove all admins from the BM.
All ad cabs created will be with a $250 limit
Refunds or replacements are available in the following cases:
There are issues with accessing the BM.
The BM was banned before purchase.
The BM failed verification in the "Business Information" section, or verification was canceled before purchase.
The BM's spending limit is $50.
The ad account's limit decreases within 24 hours after a card is linked or an ad campaign is launched.
Refunds or replacements are NOT available if:
The BM or ad account limit is reduced, or the account is disabled after any actions, such as linking a card, submitting documents, or launching an ad.
Verification is revoked after any actions.
The BM is banned the day after any activity.
It is impossible to add new ad accounts or share a pixel; further activity is required to enable these features.
An error occurs when linking a card, or Facebook does not approve the card. In this case, you need to try again or use a different card.
The BM guarantee is valid until the end of the purchase day.
For guarantee-related issues, contact the manager: https://t.me/pro_ak_support
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