50$ | PVA Softreg | Country Ukraine | Interests | Farmed 15 days | 50+ friends + 2FA + Profile picture + FP + Mail + Token EAAB + Cookies + User Agent
PVA Softerg facebook account, Ukraine. Registration by phone number
IP addresses Ukraine were used for creation
Additional account preparation within 15 days. A photo and cover were uploaded to the profile. Received token, cookies and useragent
Mail is included, names in Cyrillic alphabet
The account is fully set up and appears as a real user profile, ensuring a high level of trustworthiness.
The profile joins thematic groups, views posts, and gives likes, creating the impression of a real user and active community participation.
The feed shows recommendations, news from groups and friends, enhancing the image of an active account. Ads are also displayed to simulate genuine activity.
The account has at least 50 friends and followers, added to increase social activity.
The account includes a Fan Page to facilitate work with advertising tools.
Interests are set up in the panel based on profile actions, increasing ad campaign relevance.
The account passed identity verification by submitting a selfie, which boosts platform trust and lowers the risk of blocks.
The account is secured with two-factor authentication, adding a layer of security for operation.
This profile is carefully prepared and suitable for reliable use in advertising purposes.
Check accounts before the first login. The working status of accounts is checked by its id (https://www.facebook.com/ID) Example https://www.facebook.com/10004275343115or use this checker https://checkaccs.nppr.team/No replacement will be made after logging into the account. Check accounts before logging in using the method specified in the recommendations
Format: Full name, login:password, email:mail password, date of birth, account id, user agent, Token EAAB, cookies, 2FA