Creating a landing page from scratch (for different verticals)

In stock 3 pcs 82.09 $


Creating a landing page from scratch (for different verticals)

1. Implementation of any of your ideas (a description of the desired visual is important)
2. Adaptation of the landing page to Keitaro/Binom trackers (adding the macros you need)
3. Creating an adaptive page (the landing page will be displayed correctly both on the desktop and in the mobile version)
4. Adding API to the form (nutra)
5. Implementation of the scripts you need (if you want to see a wheel on the landing page, there will be a wheel, if you need a timer, there will be a timer, or maybe you want a pop-up window, we will do it too)
6. The layout of the landing page will be unique, you will not get some already used landing page, this code will be yours only
7. Creating a thank you page and adding a FB pixel mark (nutra)

Since the landing page is being developed from scratch, you can implement anything, the main thing is your idea!

Our specialist will help with absolutely everything and will give you an understanding of what and how it works. Will answer all questions and provide detailed advice.